
Two Gifford McMahon single-stage cryocoolers with cold stages, displacer tubes, black anodised motor housings, and helium gas fittings.

These single-stage cryocoolers offer an efficient and versatile closed-cycle cooling solution, providing rapid cool-down, an adjustable motor speed, and a compact footprint. Whether you’re building custom cryostats to study high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets, or need to cool low-noise amplifiers (LNA) in radio astronomy, these cryocoolers have high efficiency and low maintenance, making them ideal for a wide array of scientific applications.

Why GM Cryocoolers?

In general, the colder you go the more you can do, but getting colder can be costly and there is a point of diminishing returns where the incremental benefits cannot be justified. Stirling cryocoolers may get to 4 K, but Gifford McMahon cryocoolers are a more efficient means of cooling to 20 K, providing significant savings in the long run.

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Coolstar 0/12Coolstar 0/40
Base Temp.30K30K
Cooling Power @ 77 K17W57W
Cooldown Time (Unloaded)<11 min<11 min
Time to Cool 100g of Copper6 min2 min
Dimensions185 x 123 x 150 mm219 x 155 x 207 mm

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