Radio Astronomy

Listening to the Universe: Uncovering the Mysteries of the Cosmos

A line of radio dishes on a savannah points to the night sky, with the Milky Way casting a purple glow over mountains.

Cryocoolers have been used in radio astronomy since at least the 1960s, with commercially-available two-stage Gifford-McMahon (GM) cryocoolers being used to cool amplifiers and reduce the overall system noise.

A two-stage Gifford McMahon (GM) cryocooler is being inserted into an EMSS receiver.

System Noise

System noise is a significant concern in radio astronomy. This refers to the many sources of noise that are detected by the antenna. Much of this noise can be mitigated through good design, such as placing the detector inside a vacuum sealed chamber or preventing background radiation by installing multiple layers of insulation. What remains after these efforts is primarily the noise of electrical dissipation from the amplifiers.

An EMSS technician mounts a closed-cycle Gifford McMahon (GM) cryocooler to a low-noise amplifier.

Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs)

Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) are critical components in radio astronomy, increasing the sensitivity of radio telescopes to help amplify weak signals from space. However, the electrical dissipation from these amplifiers generates noise, which interferes with the receiver. An LNA may provide 30 dB of gain but dissipate 30 mW, counteracting the amplification of the signal.

With modern antenna using multiple receivers and amplifiers, this electrical dissipation is multiplied. This is where cryocoolers become essential. By cooling LNAs, the overall noise is reduced and a cleaner signal can be received.

An EMSS technician mounts a closed-cycle Gifford McMahon (GM) cryocooler to a low-noise amplifier.
Goonhilly Satellite Station, with large radio dishes towering as the sun sets, casting a warm glow across the sky.


Our cryocoolers come with optional ruggedisation for use in harsh external environments and are utilised globally in observatories such as Goonhilly Earth Station, Onsala Space Observatory, SARAO’s MeerKAT project, and the ngVLA.

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