With nearly fifty years of experience in cryogenic research and development, our devices have become the industry standard in universities, high-tech manufacturers, and research institutes worldwide.
Our commitment to enabling low-temperature research has contributed to significant advancements across the natural sciences, in pharmaceuticals, green energy, radio astronomy, and more.

Despite expanding into new markets, we remain committed to the Crystallography community. Our partnerships with universities and synchrotrons worldwide have guided our product development for decades, significantly contributing to our success.
Recent collaborations with ANSTO and Diamond Light Source on the wide nozzle customization for our open flow coolers demonstrate our dedication to meeting customer needs.

Judges Scientific
In July 2017, Oxford Cryosystems joined Judges Scientific, a UK-based group listed on the London Stock Exchange focused on acquiring scientific manufacturers.
Since then, the group’s resources, expertise, and networks have enhanced our product offerings and services. Together, we share a vision for the future of scientific instrumentation.